Monday 2 November 2015

Why Interior designing is needed in our apartments ??????

Interior design is not just about the looks of the building’s interior. Well, it is but it also plays the key role in its functionality because even the largest house can lack space if having a poor interior design, while a tiny apartment can be transformed into a cosy residence with enough space for just about everything with the right design and the use of a contemporary staircase. 
Yes, interior design is much more important than it may seem at a first glance and can be easily compared with the importance of architecture, at least when it comes to interior.
Hiring an interior designer is therefore more than just a good idea if building a new house or remodeling/ renovating the existing one. 
If we start from decorating walls then it is no longer a challenge as now there are wall-coverings to enliven practically the entire indoor area. Commonly referred as “Wallpapers” these are both for home interiors as well as office interiors applications. If we start from decorating walls then it is no longer a challenge as now there are wall-coverings to enliven practically the entire indoor area. 
Commonly referred as “Wallpapers” these are both for home interiors as well as office interiors applications. You will get these wallpapers in any interior shop ranging from very economical to the premium ones. These wallpapers are imported from other countries e.g. Korea, UK, Italy, Spain, US and portray aesthetics for different indoor-walls as a separate concept altogether.
Image credited from

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