In a short span of time Red Ant Realty has developed into an established brand in delivering comprehensive professional solutions to real estate development across all industry verticals - Residential & Commercial. At Red Ant, we are committed to build affordable homes with all basic amenities. Our vision is to build aesthetically driven projects which range from luxury to affordable segments in Kolkata & other major cities in West Bengal.
Wednesday, 17 August 2016
Saturday, 13 August 2016
What Are Maintenance Charges? And why we should pay it ?????
You get quite annoyed when you see the park in you housing society full of litter. It annoys you, even more, to see the basement, too, is not properly managed and the residents have parked their cars as per their whim and fancy. You rush to complain about the poor upkeep to the management in your housing society. After all, you have been paying a substantial amount as ‘maintenance charges’ through your nose year-after-year.
In simple terms, maintenance charge is the money a resident pays for the upkeep of the common areas in a housing society. Typically, common areas in a housing society are all community and commercial facilities and may include swimming pools, staircases, elevators, lobbies, fire escapes, common entrances and exits, basements, terraces, parks, play areas, water tanks, etc. Homeowners in a housing society have to pay an amount periodically for the regular maintenance and operations of these common facilities. In most cases, you have to pay maintenance charges on an annual basis. However, these charges may vary from case to case. Home buyers must read their sale agreement carefully so that they know what kind of money they will be expected to pay as maintenance charges in future.
Why an extra charge?
Many of us, given a choice, would not be willing to part with of money towards maintenance charges. Is it not the responsibility of the project developer to maintain the housing complex? The fact is as the residents of a housing society and as the users of the common areas, it is our duty to pay these charges.
According to the Real Estate (Regulation and Development) Bill, 2016, “every allottee, who has entered into an agreement for sale to take an apartment, plot or building shall be responsible to make necessary payments within the time as specified and shall pay the share of the registration charges, municipal taxes, water and electricity charges, maintenance charges, ground rent, and other charges”.
Is it worth the money?
Apart from the fact that it is legally binding on you to pay maintenance charges as specified in your agreement to sale, an extra payment will also ensure that you are able to enjoy the amenities and facilities provided in a housing society. After all, we all want spick and span premises. It would not make any sense if you buy a house in a project that offers a swimming pool but does not have proper arrangements to allow the residents to use it.
On the other hand, you can also claim tax benefits on the maintenance charges that you pay to the housing society.Courtesy:
Saturday, 4 June 2016
Stilt parking spaces can't be sold, say Mumbai officials......
Courtesy :
AHMEDABAD: Recently a discussion on whether developers or promoters can sell stilt parking space to buyers in a housing society came up in an urban development department meeting. In some of the 2BHK and 3 BHK schemes across major cities in the state, builders were accused of illegally selling space, mentioned as common amenities under the development control regulations, for a fee.
The officials cited three cases in Mumbai high court on the issue where the stilt parking space is neither being interpreted as a space defined as a 'flat' or a 'garage' as per prevailing regulations.
"No builder can sell parking space in Maharashtra as the Bombay high court has ruled that a stilt parking space is a common parking space available to members of the housing society," says a senior urban development official.
"Few years ago, a Supreme Court bench of Justices A K Patnaik and R M Lodha had ruled that builders or promoters can't sell parking areas as independent units or flats as these areas are 'common area and facilities' for the members," adds the official.
Sources in the urban development authority claim that a special policy on parking for the city is being designed. "In Mumbai we came across that every member is allotted just one stilt parking space. If the member requires extra space he can be assigned the space by the society only if any other member does not need any," says the official.
Courtesy :
AHMEDABAD: Recently a discussion on whether developers or promoters can sell stilt parking space to buyers in a housing society came up in an urban development department meeting. In some of the 2BHK and 3 BHK schemes across major cities in the state, builders were accused of illegally selling space, mentioned as common amenities under the development control regulations, for a fee.
The officials cited three cases in Mumbai high court on the issue where the stilt parking space is neither being interpreted as a space defined as a 'flat' or a 'garage' as per prevailing regulations.
"No builder can sell parking space in Maharashtra as the Bombay high court has ruled that a stilt parking space is a common parking space available to members of the housing society," says a senior urban development official.
"Few years ago, a Supreme Court bench of Justices A K Patnaik and R M Lodha had ruled that builders or promoters can't sell parking areas as independent units or flats as these areas are 'common area and facilities' for the members," adds the official.
Sources in the urban development authority claim that a special policy on parking for the city is being designed. "In Mumbai we came across that every member is allotted just one stilt parking space. If the member requires extra space he can be assigned the space by the society only if any other member does not need any," says the official.
Courtesy :
Thursday, 26 May 2016
At Last New Town is announced as smart city.
জানুয়ারিতে ফেল। মে মাসে পাশ।
অবশেষে ‘স্মার্ট সিটি’ হলো নিউ টাউন। মঙ্গলবার কেন্দ্রীয় নগরোন্নয়ন মন্ত্রী এম বেঙ্কাইয়া নায়ডু স্মার্ট সিটি মিশন প্রকল্পে আরও ১৩টি শহরের নাম ঘোষণা করেন। তার মধ্যে নাম রয়েছে এ রাজ্যের নিউ টাউনের।
স্মার্ট সিটি মিশন প্রকল্পে প্রাথমিক বাছাই করা মোট ৯৮টি শহরের মধ্যে চলতি বছরের জানুয়ারি মাসে প্রথম ধাপে সুযোগ পেয়েছিল ২০টি শহর। এ রাজ্য থেকে প্রতিযোগী কোনও শহরই ২০-র তালিকায় ঢুকতে পারেনি। তা নিয়ে ক্ষোভ প্রকাশ করেছিলেন বিদায়ী পুর ও নগরোন্নয়ন মন্ত্রী ফিরহাদ হাকিম। কেন্দ্রীয় নগরোন্নয়ন মন্ত্রী অবশ্য সে সময়ে জানিয়েছিলেন যে, পরবর্তী ধাপে নিশ্চিত ভাবেই এ রাজ্য এই প্রকল্পের সুযোগ পাবে। নিউ টাউন কলকাতা ডেভেলপমেন্ট অথরিটি (এনকেডিএ)-র চেয়ারম্যান দেবাশিস সেন এ দিন জানান, শুক্রবার থেকে ডিপিআর তৈরির কাজ শুরু করছেন তাঁরা। এনকেডিএ সূত্রে জানা গিয়েছে, আগের ধাপে স্মার্ট সিটি বাছাইয়ের মাপকাঠির ক্ষেত্রে রাজ্যের তরফে শুধু তত্ত্ব এবং প্রযুক্তির উপরেই জোর দেওয়া হয়েছিল। বাকি শহরগুলি সেই সময়ে প্রয়োগের দিকটাতেই বেশি গুরুত্ব দেয়। এই ধাপে ভুল শুধরে নিয়ে তত্ত্ব ও প্রযুক্তির প্রয়োগে নাগরিকেরা কী ভাবে উপকৃত হবেন, তা-ও বলে দেওয়া হয়েছে।
এ দিন কেন্দ্রীয় নগরোন্নয়ন মন্ত্রী জানান, ফাস্ট ট্র্যাক প্রতিযোগিতায় এই ধাপে সুযোগ পেয়েছে ১৩টি শহর। সেগুলি হলো— লখনউ, ওয়ারাঙ্গল, সিমলা, চণ্ডীগড়, রায়পুর, নিউ টাউন, ভাগলপুর, পানাজি, পোর্ট ব্লেয়ার, ইম্ফল, রাঁচি, আগরতলা এবং ফরিদাবাদ। প্রকল্পের প্রথম ধাপে সুযোগ না পাওয়ার পরে উন্নয়নের পরিকল্পনার দুর্বলতাগুলি শুধরে নিয়ে প্রতিটি শহরই গুণগত মানের ক্ষেত্রে ২৫ শতাংশেরও বেশি উন্নতি করেছে। উন্নয়নের নিরিখে প্রথম স্থানে রয়েছে লখনউ।
তবে এই প্রকল্পে এখনও বিধাননগর পুর-নিগম সুযোগ না পাওয়ায় হতাশ প্রশাসনের একাংশ। আগের বার প্রথম ২০-তে সুযোগ না পাওয়ায় কারণ হিসেবে প্রশাসনিক ব্যর্থতার দিকে ইঙ্গিত করেছিলেন স্বয়ং মেয়র সব্যসাচী দত্ত। এ দিন অবশ্য তিনি বলেন, ‘‘নিউ টাউন সুযোগ পেয়েছে। এটা অত্যন্ত আনন্দের। পরবর্তী ধাপে আশা করি বিধাননগরও সুযোগ পাবে।’’ এ বারের ফাস্ট ট্র্যাক প্রতিযোগিতার বাছাইয়ে বিধাননগরের ঠাঁই হয়নি। জায়গা পায়নি এ রাজ্যের প্রতিযোগী শহর হলদিয়া এবং দুর্গাপুর-আসানসোলও। এনকেডিএ-র চেয়ারম্যান তথা রাজ্যের নগরোন্নয় দফতরের প্রধান সচিব দেবাশিস সেন জানান, তিনটি শহরের পরিকল্পনার গুণগত মান বাড়ানোর দিকেই নজর দেওয়া হচ্ছে।
Friday, 6 May 2016
5 Habits That Made Elon Musk an Innovator.....
There are only 24 hours in every day, and you can’t squeeze out an extra second. Yet some people manage to be so productive and innovative they become billionaires at an age when most of us are still struggling to make ends meet. Even among billionaires, some stand out more than others, capturing the hearts of admirers everywhere.
Elon Musk is arguably one of the most well-liked and respected billionaires today. With Tesla’s recent Model 3 announcement, he continues to stay relevant. Let’s take a look at how Musk has stayed one step ahead of a very elite pack. What habits set him apart from his peers?
1. He reads the way most people watch TV.
Like Buffett, who claims to read around 500 pages a day, Musk is the definition of a bookworm. When he was in grade school, he was reading ten hours a day, devouring everything in his library and the entire Encyclopedia Britannica, and completed a six-month BASIC course in just three days.
Here’s a list of some of his favorite books, just in case you’re interested.
2. He doggedly pursues his own interests.
If his healthy reading habits weren’t already a giveaway, Musk is a true believer in self-guided learning. At the age of 12, he used his BASIC skills to program Blastar, a self-made video game which he sold to PC and Office Technology for $500. Musk also doubled majored in physics and economics, then interned for both ultracapacitor research and video game companies.
Today, he’s worth $14.5 billion and runs businesses that seem to have nothing to do with one another. Except they all do, of course -- Musk is genuinely interested in them. It’s no surprise that he’s the main inspiration behind Robert Downey Jr.’s Iron Man character.
3. He is tirelessly, unflaggingly optimistic.
While the first two traits are true for most successful businesspeople, Musk also has an ace up his sleeve -- he has a strong glass-half-full mentality. His Forbes profile sums this up best by describing two of his companies as “moonshot tech companies.” Except Musk doesn’t think of them as moonshots at all.
The secret to his innovation lies in his enthusiasm. This is a guy who grew up with an emotionally abusive father and was once bullied and beat up so bad that he needed to go to the hospital. “If you wake up in the morning and think the future is going to be better, it is a bright day. Otherwise, it’s not.”
Musk genuinely believes that what he’s doing is good for the world, and that it’s making a positive difference. In fact, he believes so much in SpaceX that there are two giant posters in his office: before and after scenarios of what Mars will look like once he’s colonized the planet. “I want to die on Mars. Just not on impact.”
4. Yet he still believes failure is an option.
Countless people -- some of them very qualified experts -- told Musk his ideas were ridiculous and bound to fail. Yet Musk managed to ignore them all and do things the way he wanted.
Granted, some of his ideas never quite took off. But many more succeeded and are dazzling investors and consumers alike. “Failure is an option here. If you’re not failing, you’re not innovating enough.” Or, put another way, “There’s a tremendous bias against taking risks. Everyone is trying to optimize their ass-covering.”
5. And he really, really knows how to party.
Businessweek writer Ashlee Vance wrote a book about Musk titled Elon Musk: Tesla, SpaceX, and The Quest for a Fantastic Future that revealed some interesting insights into Elon’s private life -- especially how much of a party animal he is.
Here are some of the more fascinating factoids:
- He paid for college in Ontario by turning his frat house into a well-run nightclub.
- On his 30th birthday celebration, he rented out an English castle for a party of 20 and played hide-and-seek games until 6 am.
- He once threw a costume party in Venice (of course) and came dressed as a knight. Then he dueled a mini Darth Vader with a parasol.
Parties aside, Musk also just knows how to have a really good time in general:
- After selling his first video game, he started a video game arcade in South Africa as a teenager.
- He totaled an uninsured McLaren F1 doing tricks on Sand Hill Road en route to an investor meeting, and ended up hitching a ride instead. The sports car was worth $1 million.
- He’s going to build a roller coaster around the SpaceX HQ, just because.
You don’t have to have a PhD to be a pioneer.
Before he sold PayPal and became the multi-billionaire innovator we all admire, Musk decided to give graduate school a shot. He enrolled in a Stanford PhD program -- and dropped out after just two days. That’s all it took for him to realize that there probably wasn’t too much he could learn from the class that he couldn’t learn on his own.
Most of us, if we were fortunate and talented enough to be accepted by a PhD program at Stanford, probably would have attended. Musk didn’t because he already had all the skills he needed to be successful. He was laser-focused on his interests, intensely curious, unflaggingly optimistic, and unafraid to fail.
Monday, 18 April 2016
Saturday, 16 April 2016
Sunday, 10 April 2016
Metal foam handles heat better than steel, A study finds out.
A new study from North Carolina State University researchers finds that novel light-weight composite metal foams (CMFs) are significantly more effective at insulating against high heat than the conventional base metals and alloys that they're made of, such as steel. The finding means the CMF is especially promising for use in storing and transporting nuclear material, hazardous materials, explosives and other heat-sensitive materials, as well as for space exploration.
"The presence of air pockets inside CMF make it so effective at blocking heat, mainly because heat travels more slowly through air than through metal," says Afsaneh Rabiei, a professor of mechanical and aerospace engineering at NC State and corresponding author of a paper on the work. The composite metal foam consists of metallic hollow spheres - made of materials such as carbon steel, stainless steel or titanium - embedded in a metallic matrix made of steel, aluminum or metallic alloys.
"We have developed two technologies for manufacturing CMFs," Rabiei says. "One is based on casting a low melting point matrix material, such as aluminum, around hollow spheres made of a material with a higher melting point, such as steel. This creates aluminum-steel CMFs, for example. The other technique is based on sintering, or baking, the matrix powder around prefabricated hollow spheres. This creates CMFs such as steel-steel, which consist of steel hollow spheres in a steel matrix."
In one test, researchers exposed samples of 2.5 inch by 2.5 inch steel-steel CMF that were 0.75 inches thick to a fire with an average flame temperature of 800 degrees Celsius for a period of 30 minutes on one side, and monitored the material to see how long it would take for the heat to reach the opposite side of the sample. For a piece of bulk stainless steel with the same dimensions as the CMF sample, it took only four minutes to reach 800 degrees Celsius through the entire thickness of the sample. But it took eight minutes for the steel-steel CMF to reach the same temperature.
"We already knew the CMFs are light-weight materials with outstanding high-velocity impact resistance, and effective radiation shielding, now we know that it can withstand high heat," Rabiei says. "This difference in thermal conductivity means that the use of composite metal foams could help avoid circumstances where accidents can lead to explosions."
The researchers also found that the composite metal foam made entirely of stainless steel expands 80 percent less than bulk stainless steel at 200 degrees Celsius - and the differential increases at higher temperatures. Another noteworthy advantage is that the composite metal foam expands at a fairly constant rate when exposed to high heat - whereas conventional bulk metals and alloys such as stainless steel expand more rapidly as temperature increases.
"Our findings suggest that CMF can offer extremely good thermal insulation, superior thermal stability, and excellent flame retardant performances as compared to commercially available materials such as stainless steel," Rabiei says.
The paper, "Experimental and computational studies on the thermal behavior and fire retardant properties of composite metal foams," is published in the International Journal of Thermal Sciences.
Saturday, 9 April 2016
Thursday, 7 April 2016
Friday, 25 March 2016
The Best Space-Saving Design Ideas For Small Homes....
Now a Days Indian families has become nuclear family & for that reason the apartment sizes also become smaller. So, it has become one of the biggest challenges to manage the space with all the stuffs of our house.
In these cases one thing that is advisable is to bring those furniture that save space in clever ways. This list of clever space-saving products that we've collected will show you how much space a well-designed home product or piece of furniture can save you.
In these cases one thing that is advisable is to bring those furniture that save space in clever ways. This list of clever space-saving products that we've collected will show you how much space a well-designed home product or piece of furniture can save you.
1. Chairs & Tables that fit into a Shelf :
2. Under-stairs Storage :
3. Stair Drawers :
4. Fold Down Table :
5. Hollow Chair :
Credit :
Tuesday, 22 March 2016
Monday, 21 March 2016
5 Most Important Interior Tips to look Your House Exclusive.
One pair of pillows always looks skimpy. Use two pairs, in contrasting patterns, colors, and textures.
Small-scale furniture only makes a small bedroom look smaller. Try a high bed and a tall headboard. Your room will grow.
An open armoire is more interesting than a closed one. Let people into your secret world.
Dark wall do the opposite of what you’d except: They make a small room look bigger.
The fastest way to make over sliding closet doors is to wallpaper them, like Melissa Warner did to turn a bedroom into her office.
Credit :
Thursday, 17 March 2016
Cheers for home buyers, Lok Sabha clears Real Estate (Regulation and Development) bill.

NEW DELHI: The Lok Sabha on Tuesday cleared the Real Estate (Regulation and Development) bill which seeks to set up a regulatory mechanism for the real estate sector to protect the rights of home buyers by ensuring timely delivery by builders and providing options for recourse if there is a delay.
The bill was passed by the Rajya Sabha on March 10 after remaining pending since 2013.
After the bill was passed by the Lok Sabha, urban development minister Venkaiah Naidu tweeted: "Extremely happy that the Parliament cleared #RERABill, much awaited legislation in the Housing Sector."
"I did my duty. States are given Power. Now States should follow it up with timely approvals... #RERABill."
"Single window approval system is being developed for ensuring timely completion of housing projects #RERABill."
Leader of opposition in Lok Sabha Mallikarjun Kharge said in the lower house that his party wants to pass the bill.
Under the provisions of the bill, builders cannot advertise and sell homes till all approvals are in place and the project is registered with the regulatory authority that will be set up in every state, alongside appellate tribunals for dispute resolution. Even ongoing projects will have to register with the authority.
At the time of the registration, the developer will have to disclose all project information including details of promoter, project plans, including implementation schedule, land status, layout plan, status of approvals, agreements, details of real estate agents, among many others, empowering buyers.
Home buyers will also now be able to buy homes knowing the carpet area of the apartment rather than being sold based on the super built up area.
Also both consumers and developers will now have to pay same interest rate for any delays on their part.
The bill also mandates that builders deposit 70% of money collected from buyers into a separate account that will be utilized only for construction and payment for land, ensuring that money collected is not diverted to other projects or uses as has been the case with many builders in the past.
With both the houses of the parliament clearing the bill, it will now be sent for approval to the President of India post which it will become a law. The government will first notify sections of the bill which deal with setting up of the regulatory authority, which is to be created within one year. After that other sections dealing with registration of real estate projects and real estate agents and functions and duties of promoters will be notified.
The bill was necessitated by the massive delays in projects that home buyers have been facing over the last few years. Many buyers have been agitating against builders because of the delays as well as the one-sided nature of their contracts with builders.
Credit :
Smart Post Office starts functioning in New Town.
A smart Post Office began its journey in Action Area 2 from 12th March, 2016. Located at Utility Building near Akankshya More, It has computerized banking facilities and will soon have Core Banking network. A total of six post offices will ultimately be set up in New Town.
An ATM will also be set up: a site in the building is earmarked. The Rupay system (not Visa / Mastercard) will operate the ATM cards. Mr Subrat Das, PMG also promised to set up 20 letter boxes with mechanised pick ups and RFD tags.
Special cancellation counters will also be set up in Eco Park and MWM.
Credit : WBHIDCO
Tuesday, 8 March 2016
Red Ant Realty wishes Happy women's day to all of you.
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A tribute to all women who are the strength of life, the rock of her family, the gentle heartbeat to her children, the tears to her parents, the joy to her soul mate, the inspiration at her work, the support and love of her friends, the mystique in society, the leader of love, life and the apple in Adams eye. God introduced us to Eve and although she wasn't perfect we are a tribute to her existence and stem from the power of a WOMAN.
Friday, 4 March 2016
Few Vastu tips which you can apply in your day to day life and can feal the change........
Image credit :
According to several traditional beliefs, each
house has its own energy type. Once a person starts living in a house he comes
under the influence of a specific energy field. And these energies start
influencing him in some way or the other. Now this argument may not have many
takers in our times, but still for those who believe, it is very important to
have homes that exude positive energy. Indian Vastu science has several
remedies to ensure that a house remains blessed, without making any structural
changes. Here are a few tips.
1. It is advisable to have your kitchen in the
South East corner of your house, if it is not possible, at least place the gas
stove in the South-East of your kitchen.
2. Keeping medicines inside the kitchen is
said to attract negative energy.
3. Banish all mirrors from the bedroom. If
it's not possible, at least face them away from bed or cover them while
sleeping. It is said to cause ill health and discord in family.
4. Place Swastik and Om symbols at the door of
your house.
5. The tinkling of bells is believed to break
energy patterns and help the inflow of positivity. So hang a couple of metal
bells at your gate.
6. Poster of crying woman, war scene, angry
person, owl and eagle are considered inauspicious. If you are having one of
them in your home, remove it immediately.
7. Place an aquarium in the South East corner
of your living room for prosperity.
Credit :
Monday, 29 February 2016
Now, 'smart wallpaper' to heat and power your house.
Scientists have developed new moth-inspired, ultra-thin graphene sheets which can be used in 'smart wallpaper' that could generate electricity from waste light or heat, and power a host of applications at home.
Using a technique known as nanotexturing, which involves growing graphene around a textured metallic surface, researchers from the University of Surrey in UK took inspiration from nature to create ultra-thin graphene sheets designed to more effectively capture light.
Just one atom thick, graphene is very strong but traditionally inefficient at light absorption.
To combat this, the team used the nano-patterning to localise light into the narrow spaces between the textured surface, enhancing the amount of light absorbed by the material by about 90 per cent.
"Moths' eyes have microscopic patterning that allows them to see in the dimmest conditions," said Ravi Silva, Head of the University of Surrey's Advanced Technology Institute.
"These work by channelling light towards the middle of the eye, with the added benefit of eliminating reflections, which would otherwise alert predators of their location," he said.
"We have used the same technique to make an amazingly thin, efficient, light-absorbent material by patterning graphene in a similar fashion," he said.
Graphene has already been noted for its remarkable electrical conductivity and mechanical strength.
Researchers understood that for graphene's potential to be realised as material for future applications, it should also harness light and heat effectively.
"Solar cells coated with this material would be able to harvest very dim light," Silva said.
"Installed indoors, as part of future 'smart wallpaper' or 'smart windows', this material could generate electricity from waste light or heat, powering a numerous array of smart applications," he said.
"New types of sensors and energy harvesters connected through the Internet of Things would also benefit from this type of coating," he said.
Graphene is only able to absorb a small percentage of the light that falls on it making it unsuitable for the kinds of optoelectronic technologies our 'smart' future will demand, said lead author Jose Anguita of the University of Surrey.
"Nanotexturing graphene has the effect of channelling the light into the narrow spaces between nanostructures, thereby enhancing the amount of light absorbed by the material," said Anguita.
Graphene is traditionally an excellent electronic material, but is inefficient for optical applications, absorbs only 2.3 per cent of the light incident on it.
The new technique enhances light absorption by 90 per cent across a broad spectrum, from the UV to the infrared.
The study was published in the journal Science Advances.
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